MAl Lawal 2012:
I was invited to participate with an installation piece to MAL LAWAL Exhibition .. held in the Islamic Art Museum in Qatar Doha 2012,
Therefore, i wanted to create something beyond what i normally do. it should be diffrent and explains what swims in my head more about my cartoon work... so decided to go beyond my limits with my imaginatuin!!
following the sketch that i have come up with :)
The creative work is inspired from my a graphic novel done by me called ( Se Kan Wah)
it is simply mocking the local methodologies we have to scare the kids with :)

The head that comes with the art piece was considered by so many authorities "inappropriate" Since the opening of the exhibition was hosting the Amir of Qatar and high level VVIPS ..
Therefore it was banned from being exhibited during the opening night ..
i cannot judge that action really, but it was sad to exclude my head from the exhibiting during the first three days :(. yet, it was a pleasure to be there int he opening night with half of my piece and get to meet his highness.
anyhow ... it did nice contrevercary that I am really proud of ..
it made people think a little bit beyond the boarder of all the other canvases...
get back deep inside them and face their childhood fears :P
The head that comes with the art piece was considered by so many authorities "inappropriate" Since the opening of the exhibition was hosting the Amir of Qatar and high level VVIPS ..
Therefore it was banned from being exhibited during the opening night ..
i cannot judge that action really, but it was sad to exclude my head from the exhibiting during the first three days :(. yet, it was a pleasure to be there int he opening night with half of my piece and get to meet his highness.
anyhow ... it did nice contrevercary that I am really proud of ..
it made people think a little bit beyond the boarder of all the other canvases...
get back deep inside them and face their childhood fears :P

Sekanwa won the attention of the visitors of the gallery due to its location .. won my heart and it will continue to be my dearest experience and identity..